Engineering Services

PCBA Engineering Services

Sales and Quote Services

Reverse Engineering and Redesign Services

Solutions for Electronics Design and Manufacturing

With In-depth industry experience in the electronics industry we offer
cost effective quality services to clients with unmatched support
across various time zones .

Our team has proven experience in below processes

PCB Design For manufacturing (DFM)

Data clean up and Design Rule Check(DRC)

PCBA Design for Manufacturing

Component Engineering and Alternate Analysis

PCB Reverse Engineering and Cloning Services

Sales And Quote Services

Bridgetronix offers custom technical manpower and resources for various activities involved in industry segments.

Equipped with best in class technical infrastructure we can ensure that you business does not face support crunch when you need them the most.

Why Choose Us

Team with extensive experience in different
domains with a orientation to details and
customer satisfaction.

we assure you ,our team will represent virtual team available 24/7 at customer service.

We strive for unmatched support to clients with best in class services with significant cost benifits